Energy saving is the rational use of energy. Of course, the reconstruction of industrial installations, the technical and heating systems, introduction of new technologies, recycling thermal energy, renewable energy sources require vast expenses. But the long-term practice of European countries shows that life is checked everyday, and your habits of behavior, you can significantly reduce energy demand. And it does not mean decreased quality of life rejection or after.

Total consumption in the home the lion's share of energy — 79% less for heating, 15% of the energy used in thermal processes (water heating, cooking, etc.), 5% of the energy consumption of the electricity and equipment 1% of the energy used for lighting, radio and tv equipment.
What is 1 kWh of energy?
You will need 1 kWh of energy:
- 50 hours of radio
- 110 hours to shave electric razor
- 17 hours left to burn the lamp power 60W
- 12 hours to watch the color TV
- 2 hours vacuuming
- take a 5 minute shower
- heat 6 at a full bathtub of water (150L)
Energy accounting
The laws of the Republic of Belarus "on energy saving" provides for the obligation to account received by legal persons and energy. Work in this direction is constantly growing. So all the new houses measuring equipment is installed, the construction of the old housing stock as it will have to do it.
This allows you to:
- pay for energy in vain to the extent that you Have received
- refused to pay for energy low quality
- effectively save energy
The installation of metering devices of energy resources expensive, the payback period but in some cases it is good enough.
Home heating
Heating costs, large batch utilities. In this situation, the implementation of the measurement system allows you to monitor and control the production and use of thermal energy. And most importantly, such systems provide financial leverage in the relationship with the supplier. Learn to use primarily thermal energy in our country is the most important.
To save electricity
To save electricity, on the other hand, the easiest way, in most cases there is metering, and ongoing events provide an immediate economic impact. On the other hand, the most difficult, because there are no measures that allow you to instantly get great savings. Therefore, saving sensitive, conscientious constant and work. Electricity in the home accounted for 9-10% of the required energy. Though And use of household appliances energy-saving features (compared to the heating and hot water) is limited, but you Can pay your bills, you Can see that such energy is relatively expensive. When you purchase home appliances, pay attention to power consumption, to compare different models and manufacturers. A family of 4 persons 1/5 of the energy will take care of things, clothes. Modern technology and ways of changing the save up to 40% of the electricity.
Did you know?
That the faucet, where the water drip (10 drops per minute) flow up to 2,000 gallons water a year. And if each of the four family members, leaves open the water tap to no avail for 5 minutes a day, you can lose 7 kWh of energy, throw out the window a huge amount? Take a shower — much cheaper than a bath. Bath (140-180 litres) consumes three times more than the energy of a 5 min shower. Nozzles taps allow more efficient use of water.

All equipment should be selected based on the needs. Perhaps many would agree that the need to get professional office air purifier small apartment, it is impractical, because efficient washing machine 7 kg linen for a small family. And yet, all household appliances are now more energy. There is a perception that it is more expensive. It fact it is not much, or at least, savings and the use of influence dramatically.
Energy saving lighting
The light in the house must be a lot of it is useful for your health and generally feel warm and comfortable. However, the very bright light is annoying, so most effective use of local, spot lighting. Now on sale there are a variety of chandeliers, floor lamps, wall and lamp sconces. You can choose according to taste, decor and budget. Use the appropriate type of lighting: the workplace (does not matter, or written work of the kitchen table) is good to use fluorescent lamps LD soft light. Table If it, that You and especially your children, spend a lot of time, it is desirable that the lamp is equipped with high frequency electronic ballasts. The hallway and the kitchen, where the light sometimes burns day and night, it is recommended to use compact fluorescent lamps. They are as usual the more expensive the lamp, but if you are not used to turn off the lights, pay the poi quickly. Add to that the light flux of those big, so he successfully replaces the too powerful light bulb.
Using advanced lighting technology (energy saving lamp, lighting) to save the apple phone with up to 60% of the electricity. Financial status and operation, lighting design and compliance with the requirements of installed and lighting lighting equipment Mnogoplanovo chandelier ceiling lighting provides the size of the room, but lead to undesirable formation of shadows when working at a desk, sewing machine in the corner of toys. Focused on lighting, despite the lower power lamps provide better illumination without unwanted shadows.
More often, turn off the light bulb, the faster they come back to kp. Extinguish It economic light bulb in vain, if You don't need the light for 10 minutes. The manufacture of new bulbs with energy demand more than you can save frequently turn it to the poi site for some time. It is important to understand the energy savings, is not a rejection of comfort and vice versa, energy saving (including the state) is the necessary living conditions offered to the entire population.
Energy savings at home
Practical ways to save energy at home does not require large and investment is obtained empirically!
In connection with the continuous rise in electricity tariffs is becoming increasingly important to be able to restrict the cost of your electricity bill. This can be done gone way. The most fashionable saving energy at home ways associated with new technologies, written on them quite a lot. There are, however, do not require opportunities and a large expenditure of expertise, he will help you, if you follow the basic rules of culture of power consumption.
Consider these possibilities in detail:
Energy-saving lighting in common areas
Typically when considering this question, provide motion sensors installation and energy-and lamp-saving stairwells basements. In this case, the issue price together with the installation costs can rise to enormous proportions.
The simple way is that you can put a semiconductor diode (300V, 3A) pause led, including the lighting in the stairwell or in the basement. Take the Whole Work in 5 minutes. The diode's Size (eg. 1N5404), it is placed in the housing the switch. Diodes allow for one half-wave of the network voltage. By reducing the voltage of the lamp power consumption to reduce them and significantly increases the service life. The author was witness to the filament of the lamp when such a correction, 7 years.

To save electricity in the kitchen
If you are using a boiler, it is not necessarily before boiling, pour the brim. Pour as much as you need right now. Households still to warm to put it on again. And again, you get more power consumption. The capacity of the kettle is usually 1.5-2 kW. This is a significant proportion of monthly consumption.
If you are using the stove, the man should know that when choosing cookware, which does not match the size of the disk, you can lose 5-10% of energy in a pan with a curved base to "steal" up to 40-60 percent. So, the bottom of the dish should be smooth and with a size corresponding to the diameter of the burner. Remember, that the rapid evaporation of water during boiling add the baking time to 30%. After cooking, the liquid should reduce power to the burner.
Energy savings wash
Read the user manual of household appliances. Not all machines select the optimal amount of water half-filling. Add the water and the higher the temperature, the more energy you use the device. Partial load of the machine pereran 15% of the energy of wrong wash program to 30%.
Energy-saving lighting in the apartment
Usually apartments with long hallways kitchen and are constantly lit. Such space in the first place is to replace incandescent lamps for energy saving. Lamps are These the warranty is for at least one year. During this time they will be repaid in full and even give savings to the budget. Lamp power 14 W corresponds to approximately 60 W incandescent lamp. Choose in Vain the well-known light bulb companies.
Significantly reduces the consumption of electricity leads to the use of bright Wallpaper and ceiling, transparent light curtains, a moderate amount of furniture and the colors in the room. A man should never neglect natural light.
Save electricity while using the refrigerator
If you are buying new appliances, select them in category A. These devices are still in the planning stage, develop the energy-saving. If we talk about the refrigerator, they should be installed and in a cool shaded place apartments. If you have one compressor for the fridge and one you do not use the cooling chambers, to remove the compressor. Usually automatic refrigerator allows.
To save electricity when Ironing
Do not dry linen, because its use requires a hotter iron and more time to achieve the desired result. Another "trick" to reduce costs is to use aluminum foil, which is placed under the fabric that covers the Board. Foil gives heat and energy unloaded-rich conditions it smooth tissue.
To save energy, while cleaning the apartment
When you use a vacuum cleaner often throw poi debris from the tank in its collection, clean or replace filters incoming and outflowing air. Increases the aerodynamic resistance resulting in and overheating of the engine cleaner to a sharp rise and electricity consumption. For example, when you fill the tank to collect dust 30%, energy consumption growth by 40-50%.

Energy-saving, if you exit the standby mode for consumer electronics
Few people think that standby equipment is a hole in my pocket, leaking money. For example, a TV with a diagonal of 54 sm "eat in" standby mode 9 kW music center 8 kW, video-player, 4 kW, etc. Count their devices, why did he sleep? How hard is it to press the button on/pois? There is another aspect, they are constantly closed and when its crash you can lose one of. There were such cases.
Energy savings, when you unplug a charger for cell phones
Of course, the losses that these devices are constantly plugged in, is not as big as other household appliances. However, the "chargers" are pulse power sources, such as devices to "want" to work without a load. When it is not connected to the mobile phone, player, laptop, etc. such devices are heated, will fail and may cause a fire!
Computer, Internet, etc.
If you don't use a computer, for example, to work or go to school, it makes sense to turn to the poi of expensive equipment. This way you can extend the life of equipment and reduce the energy consumption of the apartment. In addition, certainly no one can steal your information and your achievements in the absence, it will be de-energized.
Use these simple and tips, you can save money, and effort to the nerves. You can Certainly be more able to provide ways to save energy at home. Train your brain the results and share the other with. The greatest happiness happiness in life is people watching!